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Group Training

Work with CRB Training to achieve the results you want

CRB Group Training Programs

We set the standard for quality in group fitness training. The variety of programs, value and level of quality are unmatched in the neighborhood. We may be an old school gym, but we are with the times and provide contemporary classes in various disciplines, including Yoga, Pilates and Boxing.

benefits of Our
Group Training:


Train with us in person at various locations, including the Farm gym, the Hive, or even on the field or at your home. Our programs are entirely personalized to cater to your unique needs and goals, ensuring a tailored approach to your fitness journey.

The Farm

The Hive

Broward Biomechanics

Train with a group, Keep on track

Head to a group fitness class on the days you’re not motivated to work out. If your problem is getting to the gym in the first place, a group class can be all the motivation you need: it would be rude to sign up and bail, leaving an open spot that could otherwise have been filled by someone else.

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